There is no way to directly look up bundle IDs in the Apple iOS App Store directly. To find the identifier, you will need to look at a file inside the app.


If your app is in the App Store

  1. Find the app online (Google for the iTunes link). For this example we use Apple Pages:
  2. Copy the number after the id in the URL. (Here: 361309726)
  3. Open where you replace the ID with the one you looked up.
  4. Search the output for “bundleID”. In this example it looks like this (next to a bunch of other data): "bundleId":"". So for Apple, the bundle ID is


If you have the IPA file locally

  1. Copy the .ipa file and rename the extension to .zip. (So e.g. Pages.ipa will become
  2. Unzip the zip file. You will get a new folder named like the zip file.
  3. Search for the file iTunesMetadata.plist in that new folder.
  4. Open the file with a text editor and search for softwareVersionBundleId. For Pages this looks like this and is


You can also use iTunes to download the app IPA file directly and then find the bundle ID:


If you only have the app on your phone

  1. Use a tool like iExplorer that allows you to browse your device storage directly.
  2. Connect your iPhone/iPad to your Mac via USB and open iExplorer or a similar utility.
  3. Open the Apps folder on your device and locate the app you’re interested in.
  4. Locate the iTunesMetadata.plist file and follow the steps like you just unpacked the ipa above.

Courtesy: PSPDFKit Blog